Visible and Invisible Dimensions of Diversity

What are you doing as a leader to share your vulnerabilities, unpack your baggage and truly create an environment of belonging for your people? Part of being a great leader is understanding the parts of yourself that are vulnerable.

Because you share your vulnerabilities, you are able to create belonging by offering safe spaces for your colleagues to bring their whole selves to work.

For me, a huge part of that dimension of my diversity is my Ulcerative Colitis. I’ve shared this before and I’ll keep sharing it because I want people to know it’s ok to be you. If you are not in a job situation that respects the full you; perhaps, it’s time for a change.

There are times I need to excuse myself to take care of myself.

The fact that we have to caveat or excuse that behavior, needs, or action, speaks to our corporate environments not allowing people to be themselves.

We all have our own vulnerabilities, unique to who we are.

Are you sharing your full self at the office?

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